Mike was born in Austin Minnesota in 1978. He currently resides in Annapolis, MD where he works as a Sales Executive for ABB.
Check out all of the pictures below.
JUNE /2006
In early June of 2006 Mike, Amy, Linda, Jeff, and Jon went to Arizona. We stayed in Sedona and visited the Grand Canyon
Mike was born in Austin Minnesota in 1978. He currently resides in Annapolis, MD where he works as a Sales Executive for ABB.
Check out all of the pictures below.
On Federal Hill in Baltimore.
Halloween 2004 - Mike's House - Packers vs. Redskins
Brothers - The Wonder Years
Mike in Sweden and Denmark Feb 14-20, 2005
Mike takes aim
Fishing in Montana ** September 17-21, 2004
South Dakota Pheasant Hunt - 2004